Saturday 29 June 2013

Am I asleep? no I'm alive

I go to the upper on tuesday, I'm so scared you don't even realise. I'm trying to hide how scared I am because I know Jazz is more scared than I am and I need to help her but vfhjvngfhxvn.
I think the main reason I'm scared is because the last site swap I did fucked up everything and then I left but I know that isn't an option this time. I'm not just scared though, i'm excited too. I'll get to see Alice everyday and maybe I'll even make some new friends??? idk. I went on a tour last wednesday and its massive, I can remember where the science rooms are and the art rooms and maths and english are in the tower block and so is History but i'm still scared of getting lost and stuff. I don't know, I don't want to end up getting bullied by older kids or something.

I've become overly attached to my mum. Last night she went out and I was crying for about an hour because I didn't like to be at home without her. Lately shes been helping me so much, shes been there whenever I needed her and I've grown to trust her alot more than I used too. Sure, things are shitty at home with Nigel but I just love to be around my mum.
I used to get home sick, I would never stay sleeping at someones house because I just hated not being at home and I think its coming back. I ended up going home from jazz's house because something happened on the way and I didn't feel safe anywhere unless I was around my mum. I'm trying to sleep at jazz's house again tonight[maybe] and i think I'll be okay, I hope so anyway.

In the upper im doing: English, Maths, Science, IT, RE, History, Photography and DT
I'm glad I got most of the options I picked, I just hope I'm in some of jazz's lessons considering I'm being moved out of her form. I would love to be able to be with her at times when its not just break and lunch.

goodbye xo

Sunday 23 June 2013















Tuesday 11 June 2013


To wear:
Shorts without tights
Knee high socks to school 21/06/13
A belly top
A dress 

To eat:
Noodles 28/7/13
A burger  24/07/13
Ice cream out the tub
A marshmallow fluff sandwich
Take out pizza 22/06/13
A banana

To do:
Go swimming
Dance to High School Musical
Get married
Have a threesome
Go on a double date
Big Sleepover 22/06/13
Stop smoking[at some point]
Have a family
Sort out things with Chelsea 26/06/12
Calm Jazz down from a panic attack

To say:
'I beat self harm' 24/07/13
'I beat an eating disorder'
'Im better now' 30/07/13
'I do'
'Im perfect' 
'Can I have another slice?'
'I don't have a thigh gap and I don't care'  21/06/13