Wednesday 26 December 2012

We're the perfect two

Do you know what its like, to have the thing that keeps you going taken away? I know, I know its only a week but it felt like so much longer. The first couple of days i was alright then it started to hit me just how much i miss her and how much i need her. Its been gradually getting harder but today she sent me loads of links to a ship and all of the gifs and pictures reminded me of her and now i miss her more than i ever have. Its like a feeling in my stomach, a bit like butterflies but different. Its like, a feeling of guilt but having nothing to be guilty about, like a mixture between butterflies, guilt and sadness.  I need her, I need her more than anything ever. Its weird how dependant you become on someone, the feeling that if they were to leave you, you would have no real reason to stay alive because whats the point if they're not there to live it with you? Every night of this holiday I have wanted to go home to be with her, I really hate it. I just need to be with her, i can't do not being with her but I haven't showed that. I want her to think i'm strong even without her but i'm not. I know she is struggling so i want to show her that we can be okay without each other but truth is, i'm not okay. I hate it when i'm not with her, i worry 24/7, i cry because i get scared she is talking to Lucy, falling for Lucy again. I need her, with me, all the time. 

I am Kathryn March and I am in love with Jazmin Wolfe.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

yup i needed my plans written down

okay you don't need to read this i just need my plans written down somewhere

19th: CAMHS, packing
20th: School shopping, more packing, sleeping round jazz's
21st: School, leaving for bristol
22nd: bristol
23rd: Bristol
24th: Bristol
25th: Bristol
26th: Bristol
27th: come home, pick up jazz, sleepover
28th go to nana pats in the morning, nana t's at 3
-free from then on-

Monday 17 December 2012

You pull me aside when something ain't right, talk to me now and into the night

So, I start helenswood on Friday. Its a mufti day so idek what i'm gonna wear but thats not the point of this blog post. Mia, I'm sorry that this upsets you. I didn't think it would, i thought by now you would've got used to it. I tried to talk to you and send you a big message and stuff but i'm pretty sure I made it worse, I'm good at that. Anyway, I'm sorry but this is just the way it is now and everything else i had to say i said in the text. I know how selfish this sounds and I know this might annoy you but please be happy for me? I mean, I'm stuggling with this whole change thing enough on its own I really can't handle making sure you're okay about it as well. I don't have the strength anymore to make sure everyone else is okay with this. I just need to sort all of this out for me first then I will start with everyone else. Anyway, I'm sorry and please be happy for me, I need you to be. We will stay friends,I promise.

You're a true friends,
You're here till the end,
(miley cyus bc yolo)

I'm 9 days cut free you know? I'm starting to stuggle now but I'm trying my hardest, I really am. Its just hard with everything else going on and I get so stressed and I just need that release but I know that I can't. Well, I could but I don't want to let Jazz or anyone down. Thats who I'm doing this for, Jazz, my Auntie, my Mum and Mia. I know that even if ia doesn't talk to me about it much, she cares and wants me too get better so I'm trying. My goal is to stay clean until after I get back from my holiday, that would be good. Its scary that I might actually be getting better. I mean, I know its only 9 days but its better than nothing, right?

I'm fighting

Monday 10 December 2012

Who do you think you are, running round leaving scars?

I don't know what this is gonna be about sigh, probably Helenswood, eating and friends. Yup sounds good. LETS DO THIS SHIT.

Okay so, i got a place at Helendwood and that really scares me. I know everyone will hate me there. I really wanted to start new, you know? I wanted to be able to be normal, i didn't want everyone to know I cut, I didn't want anyone to know about my twitter, I didn't want anyone to know how sad I get and how much i hate myself but its too late for that. I can do it, I'm sure I can. I can go there, I can smile and eat, I can not cut in the toilets. I don't want to upset jazz while I'm there so I will eat and just purge it if i need too. I'll try not to cut there. I'm sure I won't because Jazz will be there, jazz will know if I'm gonna cut. Thats another thing that scares me, I kinda used SLA as a way of fasting and cutting without worrying about being found but I won't be able to do that there. Well, bring on net monday sigh.

This is another test
which I would fail and at my best , oh
always ending the same

Okay so, I was trying to get better. I am trying to get better but its so fucking hard. Daily I consider just giving up because skinny is everything I want at the moment. Every ngiht I tell myself I will fast tomorrow but I never do. I need skinny but I need to make Jazz proud. Today my thigh gap came, but its too small. Its needs to be bigger and one day i'll get there even if its when I'm older and I do it a healthy way. 

bored fo blogging ok bai

Monday 3 December 2012

I don't need to be the hero tonight

I was doing so well, 30 hours, thats the longest I've ever been without eating and then i just ruin it with a binge. I was so proud of myself, well now for a few days my intake will be under 400 and then I will do another fast. I haven't purged in so long, I've been getting urges to but I pretend they aren't there beacuse I don't want to admit that I might actually be ill. I think I'm getting better, I mean, I'm happier now, most of the time anyway. I can actually be happy for more than a few hours, ofc when everyone else is sad I make myself sad because I feel guilty for being happy but still, I can actually do it, I guess the tablets are working

Open up wide
Swallow down deep
No spoonful of sugar could make it sweet

Its happened again..I've lost contact with her again. I need her and from what shes said, she need me too. They can't do this, why don't they understand that taking everything away from her isn't going to help? Honestly, if I can't see her at christmas I'm gonna freak out, I need her so much, I need to hug her, I need to go for a walk with her, anything, I just need to see her. I will go to their house if I don't have permission to see her, idec about what they say anymore

Come undone
Surrender is stronger
I don't need to be the hero tonight

'I'm probably going to attempt tonight'
Please don't do this, I know it may seem like I only care when you say things like this but thats because other times I try to hide how much it upsets me when you're sad and I can't help. When you say things like this I forget about not wanting to make myself look clingy or anything and I focus on trying to help you. You are my everything, without you I wouldn't be here now. I'm so scared that one day I'll just get a phone call from your mum or dad, they'll say that you took your own life and then they will question me as to why I didn't stop you. Please Jazz, please don't leave me to fight this alone. I can't do it alone. I know, school might be hard at the moment but soon I will be there and things will get better, I promise they will, you just need to stay for me. If not for anyone else then do it for me. Please don't go, jazz, please..
Stay for more times like this, stay for the happy times that make you forget about all the sad things, stay for me..