Tuesday 7 August 2012

I was proud.

I was. I was genuinely proud of myself. Now I have ruined it. I killed the butterfly, I got more scars. Things were starting to look up you know? I was feeling better then this happened. It ruined everything. I know I'm a bad person, I know this is wrong but fuck it. You were keeping me going tbh. Now you have started this and I'm suddenly back at the beginning. Having to try and get back on my feet again. I dont know what this happens. Why can't I just be happy? Why does something have to ruin it and make me start again? Sam, I'm sorry, for you getting all this hate when I should be getting it. I'm sorry for giving you this idea. I'm just sorry and I love you.

But no-one cares anyway.


  1. Just wanted to say “Hai’dere!”

    You know what?
    I was looking out of my window and saw something. It was another butterfly.

    I’m sending it to you.
    Will you wear it for me, and be proud again?

    Take care :)
