Tuesday 6 November 2012

Because of you, I never stray too far from the sidewalk

I'm awake at 6:17am, crying. I don't have school, I have no real reason to be crying. I just didn't want to wake up. I was hoping I would just die in  my sleep butI haven't and I have to face another day licing in this hell. I don't deserve to live, I'm too fat, too ugly, too stupid. I was a mistake, mum never wanted to have me&I wish she never did. Nigel  doesn't want me, no-one does anymore. i'm a l o n e. I won't cut, I won't try to commit, one day I will but not today. Today I wil smile, I will pretend that I am happy just so I don't hurt anyone any longer. I want to say sorry, to everyone I have ever hrt but that is too many people to say sorry too. All I've ever really done is hurt people.

I cannot cry because 
I know thats weakness in your eyes

One night. It was only gone for one night now you're back in my head again. I know to everyone else it seems like im making a massive deal out of this but its hard, for me. I know, Mia had it 100x worse and of course, if I could make them go away for her I would but I can't. It won't go away, the dreams that you are coming back. They make me so scared that you actually will. I know most people that were in our group have forgotten about it but it still hurts me. I still think about it everyday and you don't even know. I panic everytime I go out that you might of moved back down here, or come to visit and that I will see you. If I did see you, I wouldn't say or do anything I would cry. I can't live like this anymore, You really messed me up..


  1. Please STAY STRONG!! DM me on twitter if you ever need to talk I've been there, I've stared at the pills in my hand contemplating suicide.. Don't ever feel alone... - @NeverTooLate0
