Monday 5 November 2012

My day;

I woke up in a shit mood and got all my stuff ready. Sophie picked me up and was fine with me, she didnt ask about Sam but she did make me feel like she was judging me because of my school changing. I got to school and stood with Charlotte and Eloise until Mia got there then we have the box to Euan and stood and talking so that was fine. Then I got to form and Emma wasn't in there and we has assemblerly. I had someone kick the back of my chair loads and say 'is her face as ugly as her hair?' Then I went to business. Sophie sat with Megan, I was in my own and I had no clue what was going on so, I cried. Then it was maths, I pretended to w happy so I didn't upset Eloise and I managed to do that. I don't understand it so I didn't so it. Then it was break and I was in a alright mood and I wasn't going to cut. Then mum told me I MIGHT have to be home schooled for a while and that upset me so I went to the toilets and cut. While I was people came in and saw there was someone in the toilet. They were kicking the doer and stuff. I didn't see who it was. Then I had double Heath and social, I managed to start my assessment and stuff but then I couldn't print out the pictures so I couldn't so it. Then Me.Sangstar came and got me and told me that I could do lessons that make me sad on my own in a different room so, I'm trying that. Then at lunch I was happy but I rly wanted to cut, I didn't. In English we were sponging drawing and everyone's was so much better than mine, it always is. Then I walked Eloise to the bus stop and then walked home through filsham. Now I have to have an appointment with my targeted youth support worker then a doctors appointment. Wish me luck-_-

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