Monday 17 September 2012

This is the memory, this is the curse of having, to much time to, think about it

It pains me that I will be leaving you, it does. Do you remember how close we used to be? You're right, it used to be like it was us against everyone, fighting the people who thought we were 'too close' or that we were 'together' or that I was copying you. Which in a way, I was. I will admit to that now. I tried to be like you. I admired you, all I wanted was to BE you. I mean, why wouldn't I? You're beautiful, smart, halarious, amazing, you were my everything. You are perfect. Even if you don't believe it. When we stopped beign close it hurt so much, for a year I had looked up to you, you were the one person I knew I could turn to and you wouldn't judge me. People used to say to me 'You are Mia are so close, what would you do if you had anargument?' And I would just reply; 'We never argue'
I don't want to eave you, I don't. But I can't be at that school anymore. I feel the same towards this school as you did to Filsham if that makes sense? But even if I'm not there, it won't change how I feel towars you. I will still lways be there for you, I will still believe that you are perfect..because, well, I love you and I always have. I realise this doesn't really have much of a point I just want you to know,
  That I love you, and you know that I don't just mean 'as a friend', I'm IN love with you and I would do anything for you to feel the same way but you don't&you never will. I wish that, if i do get in I could take you  with me and everything would be perfect but it won't.
Never forget, I love you&you are perfect. You should never let anyone tell you anything different. 
Stay strong♥

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